Online & Walk in Store  -  Repairs & Upgrades 
Models & Hobbies  -  Airsoft Shooting Range

Site Rules. 

  • There is no magazines in guns, and no guns fired in the Admin / Gear up area.
  • Grenades and other devices such as M203 grenades that are primed, are considered loaded and not permitted in the Safe Zone. There is a box at the entrance to the games zone for grenades and 203’s, Your name must be on your grenade, and you touch no ones but your own.
  • Pyrotechnics such as fireworks and smoke grenades, Blank firing grenades are not permitted as per Irish Law.
  • Before entering the Safe Zone, remove the magazines from your guns and fire 3 shots in a safe direction to clear your barrel.
  • The Safe Zone is the only area where you can remove your eye protection. Under no circumstances do you remove eye protection outside of this area. if you have a problem with eye protection call a marshal or seek help from a player near you.
  • Lower Face protection is also required, full mask or mesh lower or equivalent, Scarves and shemaghs are not protection.
  • Please keep the site rubbish free, take your rubbish home with you.
  • All guns must be transported to the site covered, Players seen on route walking or in a vehicle with an uncovered gun will not be playing, As it is illegal to have you Airsoft device seen in public.
  • All guns being used must be firing under 328fps / 1 Joule with a .20g bb as per Irish Law. We use our bbs and magazines when we chrono. We Use Scan ( as used by Gardai Ballistics) & Xcortech chronos. There maybe other chrono checks throughout the day. If anyone is found using an airsoft device over the limit after they have already chronoed when they signed in, they will be asked to leave the site. Any airsoft device firing over 328fps is illegal in ireland. For info on chronoing or downgrading contact Waterford Airsoft Supplies Workshop
  • Please be cautious of various hazards throughout the site. Such as holes mud and briars which can trip.
  • There is no climbing on any structure, fencing or trees. Except for the purpose built towers, which one person is allowed in at one time.
  • No throwing anything inc grenades over the walls of buildings, grenades can be tossed into windows or doorways and over low cover.
  • Do not attempt to move barrels, Pallets or any other cover.
  • If you are in difficulty or receive an injury, please report it to a Marshal, or ask a nearby player to get the marshals attention. All injuries must be reported no matter how trivial.
  • Wear the proper footwear, military boots, or high boots that support your ankle. Boots are mandatory, you must have them to play by your second day of playing. Boots can be purchased in our shop here.
  • Any area where you see yellow hazard tape means that area is  "Out Of Bounds". Do not enter that area. 
  • If there is an issue in game such as a injured player, fire, or non player on site, shout “CEASE FIRE”, Hold your position, and pass the message along. Wait for a Marshal to give the all clear to continue.
  • Players are not allowed to smoke in the game area while in game.
  • Class 2 (less than 5mw) lasers only on site, no high power lasers. And under no circumstances is a laser to be pointed at the airport or at the Coast Guard chopper or other aircraft which frequently flys over, this carries an immediate ban from site.
  • If you are hit with a BB, then you are HIT. Regardless of a gun hit, ricochet, etc.If you are unsure take it as a hit.
  • When you are hit, shout ”HIT” loud and clearly, and put your hand up and keep it up till you are at respawn or base depending on the rules of the game.
  • If you are hit again, while going to respawn, shout “HIT” again, as the player or another player may not have heard or seen you the first time.
  • If a grenade goes off within 6 to 8 feet of you, you are hit, if you are behind a wall or hard cover shielded from the grenade then you are not hit. grenade must go off to count as a hit. Scrub or bushes are not hard cover. Leave the grenade where it is if its not yours.
  • Just because you point your gun and pull the trigger does not mean you hit someone. wind, distance, scrub etc will stop the bb hitting its target. if you are sure you hit a person and they didn't call their hit ,report it to a marshall as soon as possible.
  • At close range, Shoot Semi only (one shot) and aim at center mass or a protected area of the body.
  • Blind fire is not allowed, which is sticking you gun out from behind cover and firing. You must have a line of sight down your gun sights on the target.
  • No shooting through small holes in structures or cover, If you can fit your head through it you can shoot through it. 
  • Dead Men do not talk, this includes radios, no talking to other players after you are hit.
  • Do not use dead players or Marshals for cover.
  • Knife kills are a silent takedowns done by tapping a person. The Hit Player does not announce that he has been killed, They put there hand up and goes directly to their respawn.
  • There should be no physical contact during airsoft. except for the Knife kill, which is a gentle tap. 
  • Bang Kills are considered a courtesy kill. It is up to the individual whether or not they take it. Gun must be pointed at the player, shooter must say “Bang”. A max of 1 player can be taken out in a bang kill. If both players shout “ bang” or one shoots the other at the same time as the Bang kill then both are hit.
  • Marshals are identified by wearing a Hi-Vis Vest.
  • Do not shoot at Marshalls, they are not bonus points. continually doing so may result in you being sent back to respawn, or removed from the game.
  • Marshals carry and use radios,  Players are not allowed on the marshal channel unless for emergencies.
  • If you have a problem, please contact a Marshal. Do not take it upon yourself to deal with it.
  • A Marshal's decision is final. do not argue with marshall. or monopolize their time.
  • We sometimes have under 18s carrying the role of Game Assistant, to help with props etc, also identified by a Hi-Vis Vest. They observe the games and report to the Marshals. Do not shoot them. And listen to what they say.
  • Please watch your language in the admin area, especially choice of conversation as we have minors present on site.
  • There is to be no verbal abuse towards other players or Marshals, including poor language.
  • Physical attacks of any kind will not be tolerated, and result in immediate removal from the site.
  • If you're unhappy with something walk away and talk to a marshal. Getting hot headed solves nothing.
  • Rubber knives only only in game. multi-tools and tools etc must be left in the Admin, No real knives allowed at the site only multitools.
  • Rental gear must be pre booked. See our contact page.
  • Notify a marshall before working on guns on site. Those who have gun problems during the day may rent a gun if one is available.
  • Anyone wishing to use a recording device such as GoPro,even phone, must have permission to do so. we have guidelines for recording. There is a number of reason for this and one is our child protection policy.
  • Anyone found using Glass or Metal BBs will be removed from the site permanently. Glass BBs can shatter, and against mesh goggles is especially dangerous.

    These rules are there for your safety and the public's. Not following rules will in most cases mean you will receive a warning, after that it may be removal from the site. 

Play Safe.

Play Honestly.

Take Your Hits, and most importantly Have Fun.

Game Info

For weekly updates on games and events. Also loads of photos and vids.  

Every Sunday 11:00 till 17:00.

Site Fee - €25 for Full day  -  €20 Half Day -  With own gear. 

No Gear No Problem

Rental Pack  €40pp Full Day (Includes Site Fee 11:00 - 17:00)
Rental Pack €35 Half day (Includes Site Fee 11:00 - 14:30)

Make sure you book in advance if you need a rental pack.
Rental Pack Includes Site Fee, Gun, magazine, mask,  & 2000bbs 
(1000 bbs for half day) 
For bookings call 051 307020 or Site phone below

Site Phone - 089 4554466 - Ring if the Business park gate is closed.

Download WAIVER  Here.
Also available on site - Required to play 

View our SITE RULES here.
Read before  you play

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